Splash Test Dummies
Dummies Corp. | Australia
11–13 January Riverside Theatres $26 + BF 60 mins
Multipack Event
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  • Fri 11 January at 2pm
    Sat 12 January at 11am & 2pm
    Sun 13 January
    at 11am & 2pm

  • General Admission $26 / $15
    Family (4) $72
    + booking fee

Splash Test Dummies
Dummies Corp. | Australia
Dive into a swimming pool of slapstick stunts and comedy with this award-winning family circus trio.

Splash Test Dummies’ hour-long aquatic adventure brings together synchronised swimming on unicycles, ‘Muscle Beach’ human balancing acts and water skiing through the theatre, in a unique and whimsical show for all ages.

Splash Test Dummies are the real deal” – The Age

Baywatch meets The Three Stooges” – The Advertiser 

Cast and Credits
Image: Ben Weinstein
11–13 January
$26 + BF
60 mins
"Adept, unadulterated mischief"
The Times UK

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