Chefs Gallery Parramatta
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Chefs Gallery Parramatta

Chefs Gallery is a multi-award winning Chinese restaurant and culinary experience like no other. They meticulously combine traditional Chinese food with pan Asian influences and contemporary flair to create the best Chinese in Sydney. From the mesmerising theatre of handmade noodles being stretched and dumplings rolled behind the glass walled kitchen, to each artfully created dish from the sumptuous menu – the experience is unique. These gourmet masterpieces draw their influences from across China, tapping into local cuisine. With six restaurants throughout Sydney, they’ve made it simple to be treated to the warmth, bustle and deliciousness of amazing contemporary Chinese and Asian food.

Vegetarian option also available.

Shop 2184, 159–175 Church Street
Parramatta 2150
Category: $30
Phone: 1300 824 337

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