The Dream Engine | UK
11–13 January Prince Alfred Square Free
Free Event
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  • Prince Alfred Square

  • Prince Alfred Square, Parramatta
    Cnr Church Street and Market Street
    Parramatta 2510
  • Fri 11 January at 6pm & 8pm
    Sat 12 January at 10.30am, 4pm & 6pm
    Sun 13 January at 10.30am, 4pm & 5.30pm

Free Event
The Dream Engine | UK
The Heliosphere brings the shared human dream of flying to life in a spectacular way. Twenty metres above the crowd, a giant, glowing lunar balloon filled with helium floats and dips, suspending a talented aerialist like a marionette. 

Working with two technicians on the ground, the aerialist performs elaborate twists, turns and tricks to create the illusion of weightless levitation, swooping down to shake hands with the audience one minute and soaring back up into the skyline the next. 

Created by internationally renowned company The Dream Engine, who specialise in ingenious flying machines, this boundary-pushing design reimagines aerial trapeze.

The Heliosphere appears at  Prince Alfred Square in Parramatta for Circus Comes To Town, 11 to 13 January.

Please note: Heliosphere is no longer at Barangaroo, as printed in our brochure.

Cast and Credits
Photo: Chris Biele
11–13 January

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