Article 14.1
Phuong Ngo | Australia
14–23 January Museum of Contemporary Art Free
Free Event
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  • 14–23 January from 10am
    23 January at 6pm (Boat Burning Ceremony)
Free Event
Article 14.1
Phuong Ngo | Australia
Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.” – Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 14.1

For this 10-day durational performance, Australian artist Phuong Ngo invites viewers to join him as he relieves a momentous journey – his parents' immigration by boat from Vietnam in 1981. Join Ngo as he folds thousands of origami boats and listen to recorded interviews with Vietnamese refugees.

On the last night of the performance a special boat burning ceremony takes place at sunset in memory of those lost at sea.
Cast and Credits

Phuong Ngo Article 14.1 2014 performance mixed media.

Originally commissioned by Next Wave Festival 2014. Image courtesy and copyright the artist.

Photos: Alex Clayton

14–23 January
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