Rehabilitation & Reform: Life after life behind bars
UTS Big Thinking Forum
9 January University of Technology Sydney Free
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  • Wed 9 January at 6pm
Free Event
Rehabilitation & Reform: Life after life behind bars
UTS Big Thinking Forum

These panel discussions bring artists and experts fromvarious disciplines together to explore the ideas that inspire their works.

Can people really change? Can society forgive? In conversation with artists,including JR Brennan, director of TheChat, this talk takes a deep dive into the stubborn issues aroundrehabilitation, regret and forgiveness. Looking critically at our social and penalsystems, it asks whether real reform is possible and, if so, how it can beachieved.

Speakers include; Moderator: Professor Larissa Behrendt (UTS) and Panellists: J R Brennan (The Chat), Kirsten Gray, Professor Christopher Cunneen (UTS) and Associate Professor Thalia Anthony (UTS)..

UTS Big Thinking Forums are free but registration is required.


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