The Sydney Morning Herald Q&A with the Artists
11–25 January Various Venues Free
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Free Event
The Sydney Morning Herald Q&A with the Artists

The Sydney Morning Herald hosts in-depth, post-show Q&A sessions with the talented artists behind HOME, Old Stock: A Refugee Love Story, One Infinity, Man With The Iron Neck, Beware of Pity, Shànghǎi MiMi, Dust, A Ghost in My Suitcase and Deer Woman. Learn about the inspiration, influences, hard work, challenges and triumphs that go into creating such powerful art, and don’t miss the chance to ask your burning questions.

Dust: Fri 11 January at 9.40pm (following the 8.30pm performance)
A Ghost In My Suitcase: Tue 15 January at 2.45pm (following the 1.30pm performance)  
HOME: Tue 15 January at 9.20pm (following the 7.30pm performance)
Old Stock: A Refugee Love Story: Wed 16 January at 9pm (following the 7.30pm performance)
Shànghǎi MiMi: Wed 16 January at 9.10pm (following the 8pm performance)
Deer Woman: Sun 20 January at 3:30pm (following the 2pm performance)
One Infinity: Thu 24 January at 8:30pm (following the 7.30pm performance)
Beware of Pity: Thu 24 January at 9.40pm (following the 7.30pm performance)
Man With The Iron Neck: Fri 25 January at 8:50pm (following the 7:30pm performance)

Cast and Credits
Images: Prudence Upton
11–25 January
Various Venues

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