Race in Ferrython
26 January Sydney Harbour $155 + BF 3.5 hrs
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  • Sat 26 January at 9.30am for 9.45am boarding
  • Adult $155
    Child $100
    Family (4) $499
    + booking fee
Race in Ferrython
For the third year, we’re offering you the opportunity to participate in one of Sydney's most popular and iconic annual events, by booking a seat as a passenger in Ferrython.

Get dressed in all-blue and join in the annual Ferrython race on the Blue Ferry, as it goes head to head from Circular Quay to Shark Island and then back to a glorious finish at the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

Tickets cost $155 each and include morning tea on arrival, wine, beer and non-alcoholic drinks, a premium lunch box and a chance to take out the title of fastest ferry in Sydney! Be a part of our most iconic and picturesque January 26 event, with stunning views of Sydney Harbour and the January 26 celebrations.

Important Info
Come dressed in blue to participate in the theme. Please arrive promptly by 9:30am as the ferries depart strictly on schedule
26 January
$155 + BF
3.5 hrs
Australia New Express Media Meriton Harbour City Ferries

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