Baraya: Sing Up Country
25 January Barangaroo Reserve Free 30 mins
Free Event
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  • Thu 24 January (Rehearsal) from 6pm–7pm (First time participants) & 7pm–8pm (All participants)
    15 Broadway, Ultimo, NSW, The Great Hall, University of Technology Sydney
    Group choir Fri 25 January at 8.30pm

Free Event
Baraya: Sing Up Country

Bayala means ‘speak’ in local language. Local language is being reawakened, in a sharing and celebration of the Indigenous heritage of Sydney. Reawaken and reforge the songlines of Sydney in a performance for country, ancestors and healing in Baraya: Sing Up Country

Come to the drop-in choir rehearsal sessions (Thu 24 January at UTS - details above in the 'When' tab) and learn a song in local language, taught by Aunty Jacinta Tobin and Yuwaalaraay woman Nardi Simpson. You can then perform the song with a group choir at Barangaroo on 25 January. 

Participate in the fireside The Vigil at Barangaroo Reserve from 7.30pm on 25 January, reflecting on the meaning and impact of the First Fleet’s arrival, and hearing stories of Country.  Meeting point at the entrance to the Cutaway near Nawi Cove.

You can learn the song Budjari Gunyalungalung Baraya-la by listening to the audio recording and downloading the lyrics here.


25 January
30 mins

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