Seidler Penthouse
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Seidler Penthouse

Adjoining the offices of Seidler & Associates at Milsons Point, the stunning Seidler Penthouse was completed in 1988.

The venue will open 30 minutes before the advertised event time to allow patrons to experience the apartment and its vistas.

Note: Photography and recording are not permitted inside this venue.

Photo: Max Dupain 1988 (cropped)  © Penelope Seidler
This venue is wheelchair accessible via a lift.
Getting There

Train: The Penthouse is a 5-7 minute walk from Milsons Point station

The Penthouse is a 3 minute walk from bus stops on Alfred St, opposite Milsons Point station. Bus routes are 168, 173, 183, 184, 187, 209, 227, 228, 229, 230, 286, 287, 612X, 622, 653, E50, L78, L84, L87.

There is no onsite parking, however the Luna Park car park is a 3 minute walk from the venue.

2A Glen St
Milsons Point 2061

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