SBW Stables Theatre
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SBW Stables Theatre

Located in the heart of Kings Cross, the historic SBW Stables Theatre is Sydney’s most intimate and engaging theatre space.


The historic SBW Stables Theatre is not wheelchair accessible. Please note that all wheelchair accessible performances of Since Ali Died will be held at Riverside Theatres.

We can reserve seating to cater for those with limited mobility and vision impairment.

There is an accessible toilet in the foyer.

Griffin is a member of the Companion Card program. To find out more, we encourage you to contact our Box Office

Getting There

Catch the 311, 324 or 325.


Kings Cross Station is about a three minute walk from the theatre. Jump on the T4 Eastern Suburbs Line.


- Wilson Parking – Ward Avenue, Elizabeth Bay. Receive 10% off with Wilson Parking when you pre-book your parking online with promo code SYDNEY19. Pre-book your parking at
- Limited timed parking is available on surrounding streets.

02 9361 3817

10 Nimrod Street
Kings Cross 2011

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