Cement Fondu
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Cement Fondu

Cement Fondu is a new and evolving contemporary arts space that presents a diverse year-round program of visual arts exhibitions featuring performance, dance and music by Australian and international artists.


Its Art Store, Project Space and live, public events offer alternative and engaging ways for people to encounter artists and their practices.

Dedicated to new creative possibilities and greater understanding, the space serves a collective curiosity toward each other and the matters of our time.
Wheelchair access is available at the rear of the building via Dillon Lane. Accessible parking is also available in the staff carpark. For access to both, please contact staff in advance by calling 02 93317775 or ring the bell at the main door and a member of staff will assist.
Getting There

Cement Fondu is in walking distance from Kings Cross train station and bus stops on Oxford St, Paddington and in Rushcutters Bay.

Closest running bus routes are: 389 (Paddington); 200, 324, 325, 124 (Rushcutters Bay); 333, 380, M40, 352, 440 (Oxford St).

02 9331775

36 Gosbell St
Paddington NSW 2021

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